Posts Tagged ‘voodoo’

(This is a follow-up to my post about the origin of zombies. So go read that one first. :D)

It was brought to my attention (by the same roommate who talked me out of  “Zombastic;” sometimes I feel like it’s not worth it to have such a smart guy around, even if he’s totally awesome) that there was too much history and not enough “me” in my last post.  Yeah, there was a lot of zombie history in there.  There had to be, because in order to know what something is, you have to know how it came to be in the first place.  But I suppose, on this one occasion, he might be right.  So instead of the fun-filled article of zombie goodness that I was going to summarize for you tonight, you’re getting me. More Brains!

So here I am, about to make my first real post in my first real blog ever, a blog about zombies no less, and all I can think about is Lewis Carroll.

No really, you guys don’t have to leave, I promise this is about zombies.

Because I like to think that I have a lot in common with dear old Lewis.  I enjoy word play, for example (the title of this blog was almost “Zombastic.”  Thank goodness my roommate talked me out of that one), and I often find myself surrounded by mad people.  And when facing a seemingly insurmountable task, I often find it helpful to begin at the beginning.  And the beginning for zombies was in the voodoo religion of Haiti and Africa. More Brains!